Sharlo Brand

Sherlo P. Nomes LLC

Using Observation Method, Forensic Science, Deductive Reasoning & Creative Imagination to solve your Business & Brand cases!

Schedule a consultation!

Are you starting a Business and entering the battlefield prepared?

Do you aspire to propel your Business to new heights?

Do you like to make your Brand standout from the sea of sameness?


In branding, be memorable Mr. Lazarov, even at the expense of being wrong!


Unlocking the Mysteries of Success: For those daring souls venturing into the business inertia or seek to conquer new realms, Sherlo P. Nomes LLC unveils the secrets to business growth. Our strategies will leave your competitors baffled and your coffers overflowing. After all, in the grand theatre of business, it's all about who plays the game best, and we're the virtuosos.

Crafting Brands That Outshine the Constellations: Sherlo P. Nomes' brand development services are the equivalent of fashioning a unique, sparkling gem in a sea of pebbles. We'll not only make your brand unforgettable, but it will stand out like a peacock at a penguin convention. From brand bibles to tone of voice, we'll ensure your brand is the star of the show.

Empowering the Journey of Professional Mavericks: Transformation is not like instant noodles, it doesn't happen overnight. Our trainings are about empowering individuals, nurturing their potential and igniting the fire of self-improvement. We do not sprinkle magic dust. We educate, motivate and inspire the participants, because in the wild world of business, true mastery takes time, and we're here only to light the way.


Business Development


Brand Development


Training & Transformation



We see but we don't observe!

Click me


Eliminate the unreasonable!

Click me


Don't take every lumber that comes across

Click me


Choose what not to do.

Click me


Adobt to the situation...

Click me

Sherlo P. Nomes & Petar Lazarov

Mr. Nomes:


With over four decades immersed in the business and marketing cosmos, Mr. Nomes emerges as an enigmatic sage with peculiar preferences, most notably his "latest model Nokia 6310," digital minimalism, and a deliberate avoidance of social media and television, while shunning the cacophony of politics and mainstream media.
His impressive list of skills and expertise includes:

  • Strategic Marketing as the core of his proficiency,
  • Knowledge of Business Management,
  • Knowledge of Science,
  • Knowledge of Philosophy,
  • Knowledge of Psychology,
  • Knowledge of Astronomy,
  • Knowledge of the art of Alchemy,
  • Knowledge of Anatomy (though not entirely precise),
  • Years of practice in Eastern spiritual & martial arts disciplines,
  • Knowledge of Botany and Chemistry. While it includes familiarity with substances such as psychedelics and other mind-altering chemicals Mr. Nomes occasionally used them in his younger days to achieve non-ordinary states of consciousness,
  • Proficiency in playing the trumpet,
  • Some knowledge of practical gardening

Mr. Lazarov:

“With more than two decades of professional expertise, Mr. Lazarov stands in stark contrast (antithesis) to his enigmatic counterpart, Mr. Nomes.

In a world where trends evolve at the speed of light, he advocates embracing the digital realm, emerging technologies, and greater social exposure. This stance often vexes Mr. Nomes, who steadfastly resists these modern-day siren calls and prefers the shadows.

Mr. Lazarov serves as Mr. Nomes’ indispensable right hand in his international endeavors and capably manages his own assignments.

On occasion, Mr. Nomes takes pleasure in calling him “Mr. Vlad,” playfully comparing his insatiable curiosity and knowledge-seeking tendencies to that of Count (Vlad) Dracula, the lord of vampires.

“A brilliant scholar and eager learner. He grasps the very essence of business with remarkable alacrity and the potential for him to evolve into a distinguished business consultant in the future is undeniable”. Mr. Nomes often wryly remarks.



The crown jewels of Mr. Nomes' endeavours, unfortunately, remain veiled in secrecy. Alas, due to their exalted sensitivity, these projects are not destined for the public eye. If you'd like to explore our previous triumphs first- hand, we warmly invite you to request a private presentation. Discretion, after all, is the cloak of our realm. However, a glimpse of our extraordinary results we've achieved, by using the magic of “The Nomes Method” in action:

Project 1:

Using our alchemical finesse, we transformed a commodity product into a masterpiece. We did the impossible marketing formula: Commodity product + Highest price + Price-sensitive market = #1 leader in sales (still waiting for the Harvard Business Review to make an article about us).

Project 2:

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, our brand soared to the heavens. It was the only Balkan product that received a coveted invitation and secured a prestigious spot among the pre-final 20 pitchers at Shark Tank.

Project 3:

Spanning across 40 countries, driven by the enchanting fusion of 'The Nomes Method' and a profound psychological system by changing the consumer behaviour, we elevated a mediocre product to the pinnacle of the high-end product category.

Schedule a consultation!